24/7 customer support

Customer support from GEMS experts is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Experience the benefits of reliable entity management software backed by exceptional customer support. Our team of GEMS experts is always on hand to help, ensuring your experience with the platform is smooth and stress-free.


Readily available support from experts

Our dedicated support team of GEMS experts is available 24/7 across America, Europe, and Asia Pacific meaning GEMS users can get assistance whenever, wherever. Our support team members are experts in using GEMS so when you require assistance, you know you’ll be talking to a real person with the know-how to help you resolve issues.


Multiple support channels

You can contact the support team via live chat, email, or phone. Alongside the ability to talk to a dedicated customer representative, there are also user guides and tutorials available in the GEMS learning library, where you can find information on how to effectively use GEMS.


Onboarding support and regular training

As a new GEMS user, you’ll receive comprehensive onboarding support to help you get used to the entity management system. You’ll also have access to support documentation, user education content, and videos to help you learn how to use the system. There is also regular, ongoing training available to help you keep your GEMS skills fresh and up to date.

GEMS Customer Care

We recognize the importance of exceeding our customers’ needs. With our Customer Care Center, clients can log in to access GEMS product materials and tips, interact with our client community and ask our customer service representatives questions. 

Discover how GEMS can improve your entity management processes today

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