GEMS administration and optimization

Hand off your GEMS administration and optimization to Computershare and enjoy a fully tailored experience.

GEMS is designed to be “out of the box software.” However, we understand that some clients may have limited bandwidth. That’s why we offer administration and optimization services to help manage your use of the system and tailor it to ensure it is fully optimized for your organizational needs.

Outsourced administration

There are multiple administrative areas within GEMS, including Activity Configuration, Approval Workflow Configuration, and User Management. Managing these can be time-consuming; by outsourcing the administration you'll free up time to focus on other business matters.

Optimize your GEMS use

You can tailor GEMS to your needs to ensure the entity management software is fully optimized for you. We’ll discuss your governance goals and priorities and seek ways to customize the platform, thereby ensuring it meets your specific requirements.


Discover how we can help your entity management today

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